

All this rain has been challenging for my environmental portraits...but the mushrooms -they're loveing it! While I tromp through the woods with my walking buddies (my 3 dogs) I am amazed at the incredible amount and variety of mushrooms -Everywhere- When Don, my Father-n-law said he was going to cook some chanterelles I became very interested. My Grandma used to pick them in Sweden ..she picked everything edible and decorative from the woods. I definitely inherited her foraging love but not her knowledge for edible mushrooms! I waited for Don to cook and eat what he believed was the Chanterelles. When I called him this morning and he was still - alive- and- with no gastrointestinal irritation I happily took him up on his offer for sauteed mushrooms with scrambled eggs! -Yummy!

This ,of course, is not a mushroom but I liked the tiny little spider sitting on the petal and found it surprising that an iris was still blooming at this time of the year.
Chef Don

This shroom is NOT a chanterelle I just liked the fact that the blueberry and mushroom were cozy together!

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